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Fall Chores To-Do List
November 15, 2022

Winter is on the way! While there’s never a shortage of things to do around a barn, there are definitely some that you’ll want to see to before the cold weather hits. You may find yourself with a few extra things on your agenda over the next few weeks. Read on as a Westminster, MD vet lists some of them.

Order Supplies

With prices skyrocketing and supply chain disruptions becoming more the norm than the exception, you definitely don’t want to find yourself running low and scrambling for feed or bedding in the middle of winter. Stock up as much as you can now.

Inspect Storage Area

Before those orders start arriving, make sure that your storage area is in great shape. Check for roof leaks, drainage issues, and signs of rodent infestations. 

Evaluate Mechanical Equipment

Take a look at your fences, gates, stall doors, and hardware. This is also a good time to inspect, test, and maintain things like tractors, plows, snowblowers, and generators, as well as any automated equipment you have. Replace any tires that are worn out, change the oil in that snowblower, and swap out any belts or other parts that are ready to be replaced.


Could your pasture use better grass? Many types of grass should be seeded in autumn. If you aren’t sure what your land needs, reach out for professional testing.


Drainage can be a dangerous issue in winter and spring, when mud and ice are at their worst. If you have any areas on your property that get soggy or icy, address the issue now. In some cases, installing a French drain may be an easy fix that makes a huge difference.

Adopt A Barn Cat

Fluffy has been earning her keep on the farm for hundreds of years. Given that mice and rodents can contaminate grain, destroy wires, and spread disease, the cost of providing a furball with food, shelter, and veterinary care may be way less than replacing and restoring lost equipment and feed.

Host An Event

Fall can be a great time for community events. Depending on the type of farm you have, you may want to consider hosting a fun fundraiser or charity event. This can be a hay ride, a corn maze, or even a show.

As your Westminster, MD animal hospital, we’re dedicated to offering great care. Call us anytime!